Choithrams has announced the opening of its new flagship store Barsha 1, Dubai. The 4,500 sq. ft supermarket offers products across diverse categories, including fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, poultry and fish, daily baked bakery and an extensive Food of the World range that covers Indian, Philipino, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and other Asian and African assortment.
Customers will also benefit from regular promotions like Tuesday’s Supersavers/ Friday Offers and special deals across all the categories. The new store will open at 7am and close at midnight, giving the residents in the area the ease of shopping early in the day or late into the evening. With free parking space and free home delivery, Choithrams is sure to win the hearts of the residents in the community. Free home delivery services would be provided to Barsha 1 and surrounding areas on purchases above AED 25/-.
“We are delighted to open our second store in the Al Barsha 1 community. Choithrams at Al Moosawi Grand Residence tower will cater to the diverse tastes and choices of the population living here. We look forward to providing high-quality and friendly customer service that Choithrams is known for,” said Rajiv Warrier, CEO of Choithrams.