Emirates General Petroleum Corporation (Emarat) service stations in Dubai, Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC) and Emirates Petroleum Products Company (EPPCO) have started accepting Visa and MasterCard credit/debit cards for all transactions including fuel sales, today onwards. While a service fee of AED 2 will be applicable for fuel sale transactions using cards, all other credit/debit card purchases at the convenience stores and other services will not incur additional charges.
Fuel distribution companies in the UAE had stopped accepting card payment for fuel transactions in 2007. The resumption of the facility aims to enhance customer convenience while addressing the operational costs involved in providing credit/debit card payment facility.
Middle East-based payment provider Network International (NI) will provide integrated and fully secure payment solutions across the service stations of Emarat in Dubai, ENOC and EPPCO. NI will introduce its pioneering EMV (Europay, MasterCard and Visa)chip and pin solution to enhance cardholder security across ENOC, EPPCO and Emarat service stations. Along with EMV, the terminals will also accept contactless smart cards adding to the convenience of motorists and shoppers.