HP Inc reiterated its commitment to enable better learning outcomes for more than 100 million people between 2015-2025 at the 2017 Global Citizen Festival in Hamburg, Germany. The Global Citizen Festival in Hamburg falls on the eve of the G20 Summit, where leaders of the world’s most powerful countries are congregating to address inequalities and promote sustainable development.
HP’s pledge supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal and aligns with the company’s goal to improve access to quality education and lifelong learning for all in the classroom and beyond, as outlined in the recently release HP 2016 Sustainability Report.
HP’s support is targeting the hundreds of millions of people across the globe who are not currently learning basic literacy and numeracy skills, which will help them in breaking the cycle of poverty. HP is reinventing the classroom in ways that engage students, empower educators, and build strong and vibrant communities. Furthermore, HP is bringing these classrooms directly to students who otherwise may not have access to a quality education.
“HP’s efforts to advance quality learning and to support the sustainable development goals are expanding social and economic opportunities for people all over the world,” say Nate Hurst, chief sustainability and social impact officer at HP. “I’m proud to work for a company that creates and invests in technology that can help teachers teach and students learn while building the skills needed for future success.”
To increase the reach of HP’s education initiatives by 2025, the company will expand programmes like HP World on Wheels, which brings digital literacy to rural India through mobile learning labs. HP will also continue to provide refugees in the Middle East with access to personalised, blended learning experiences through six HP Learning Studios, equipped with hardware, software, and teacher training services that together inspires instructional innovation and next-generation learning experiences.