Beauty retailer Sephora, part of LVMH Group, has pledged to stand with its 9000-plus full-time store employees and licensed beauty advisors in the US, amidst COVID-19 pandemic. “We have been able to ensure they will be paid 100 percent based on average hours worked and existing health benefits through late May or until our stores re-open, whichever happens sooner,” said Jean-André Rougeot, president & CEO of Sephora Americas, through a statement.
However, Sephora has had to take the difficult decision to let go of its part-time and seasonal store employees, who have worked with the company for a short period of time and limited hours. “They have all been offered severance and provided with resources to support their transition, including coordination with companies that provide essential services and may be hiring at this time,” added Rougeot.
In Canada, Sephora has retained all full-time and part-time employees, who will temporarily receive 80% of their base pay but 100% existing health benefits until stores reopen.
Meanwhile, Rougeot continued, “All US store and corporate employees will be required to take a six-day mandated PTO (paid time off). Corporate employees in Canada will observe a reduced work schedule of 32 hours per week and the same pay reductions as our Canadian store employees during this period. Further, we have made a significant incremental contribution to our Sephora Stands Together Fund, which provides emergency financial assistance to employees in need.”
Sephora has taken the decision to keep its brick-and-mortar stores closed until it’s safe to reopen, while its e-commerce arm and mobile app are operational. The retailer has also decided to waive off standard shipping fees for customers ordering online.
Meanwhile, Sephora has also shown heightened commitment towards its distribution centre employees by stepping up health and safety measures, including fewer people processing orders at one time. “Additionally, from March 23, we increased pay by $2 per hour worked for all distribution centre employees, and this will continue until stores reopen,” Rougeot shared.